About Us
YES Youth Employment Services, a division of Schools Industry Partnership, is a free service designed to help eligible young people between 15-24 years old get into the industry they want and secure a job.
We have over 20 years experience connecting young people, businesses and people from the world of work to inspire young people to reach their full potential.

Youth Employment Experts
Since 2016, through government funding, we have helped 1000’s of young adults become more skilled, so they could apply with confidence for jobs they would enjoy.
Our approach utilises the harnessing of community support, advantaged thinking and structured service offerings to help form a strong level of guidance, planning and real world opportunities in the lives of young people.
Our focus is on creating sustainable futures for young people and enabling passionate and experienced people from all different industries to contribute to the beginning of career stories all over Australia.
We offer FREE personalised programs and support for eligible 15-24 year olds to assist them in becoming more skilled, confident & employable. Up-skilled & work ready to Win that Job