Youth Advisory Sessions offer eligible youths aged from 15 – 24 the opportunity to gain insight, knowledge and advice on a wide range of employment related issues faced by young people.
If you are eligible, you will receive 3 one-hour consultations with an experienced and skilled Transition to Work Provider who will provide you with indispensable advice and support.
Be aged 15 to 24 AND:
Participating in the Online Employment Service (OES), OR:
Participating in the Volunteer Online Employment Services Trial (VOEST), OR:
Be a Digital Participant in the New Employment Services Trial (NEST), and have 1, 2, or 3 Sessions remaining.

Only eligible Participants are able to see and book Sessions on their Job Seeker Dashboard.

What Topics Can Be Discussed In The Sessions?
What will be discussed will be driven by the participants’ needs. The Session can focus on one topic, however content can be flexible if the Provider finds that there are other topics that need to be addressed.
The Providers are encouraged to open up the conversation so they can pinpoint the Participants individual goals, skills and highlight any opportunities that arise.
Topics that may be covered in these Sessions include (but are not limited to):
Advice on education and training options
Advice on local labour market opportunities, both now and in the future
Resume writing assistance
Job interview tips
Different ways to apply skills
Support to grow skills and build expertise
Support to stay motivated, resilient and reduce isolation
Career advice, or
Information on, or connection to, other government assistance or local community services that may help the Session Participant.

Book A Session

Log in to your JOB SEEKER DASHBOARD and go to your ACTIVITIES Tab.
If you are eligible, you will be able to see and select YOUTH ADVISORY SESSION from the Activity Type drop down list. Click SEARCH to find a provider in your area.