As parents and teachers, it’s important to know and understand the wealth of opportunity that awaits the young people in your life and network.
As their key mentors, it’s essential you’re equipped with the knowledge and information about the support services available to assist the young people you know in making informed decisions and having access to employment and further education opportunities after school.
Youth Employment Experts
The world of work can be an overwhelming thought for anyone trying to gain employment, yet alone school-leavers and when it comes to work readiness and potential opportunities why wouldn’t you enlist the services of experts in the field of youth employment.
Please also feel free to contact us about our programs, specifically targeting young people who are early school leavers or disengaged from school and at risk of unemployment. Please don’t let these young people fall through the cracks!

We offer FREE personalised programs and support for eligible 15-24 year olds to assist them in becoming more skilled, confident & employable. Up-skilled & work ready to Win that Job