As an employer, you will have certain requirements and standards that need to be fulfilled and at YES Employment, we will make sure that these needs are met and that the person hired will fit into your place of business.
YES Employment is part of a federally funded program that supports eligible young people ages 15-24 on their journey to employment. If you’d like to know more about the program, click on the button below.
How We Find The Right Person For The Right job
Assess the employers needs
Make sure they are the right fit for the job/employer
Search our caseloads for suitable applicants that fit the criteria
Further prepare the applicants with employer expectations
Supply them with work clothing and any appropriate equipment
Assist with any apprenticeships, traineeships information

Work With Us
You will then receive all the relevant documentation to enable you to provide us with all the details of the job and to start searching for the right candidate.
YES Employment will then move onto the pre-screening process that will select the best employee for you and your business.

Financial Incentives For Employers
Download the factsheet below to determine if your business is eligible.
We offer FREE personalised programs and support for eligible 15-24 year olds to assist them in becoming more skilled, confident & employable. Up-skilled & work ready to Win that Job